Life's Not Fun Anymore

Carbs are Part of Sentimental Experiences

My husband loves to go to the theater and watch new movies with a big bucket of popcorn and a soda and sometimes candy. He even enjoys the previews! He recently suggested we go as a family to catch  "Captain Marvel" in the theater and get a babysitter for our toddler. 

In a cliche, kill the messenger moment, I reminded him that he shouldn't have the soda he is so fond of having while being entertained by the cinematic theatrics and visual effects. Boy, I wasn't prepared for the emotional disappointment he felt. He said he would rather not go if he couldn't have the COKE!

I suggested trying to phase in half sweetened tea, a diet COKE, or water instead of his "usual." At his stage in the transition to carb detox, those alternatives were wholly unacceptable. You would have thought I trampled on his happiness. 

Reminder to self ... his feelings are his to manage... his feelings are his to manage. 🙊

UPDATE: We're going tomorrow! And, hopefully, dear hubby with be at peace with a healthy drink choice. Do you all still go to the theaters since diabetes knocked on the door?


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